
Saturday May 12: Machu Picchu.

 We delayed breakfast until after the bird-watching walk.It was great - we saw many different kinds of birds, most spectacularly the Cock-of-the-walk, and several butterflies and hummingbirds. The interpreter was good at seeing and pointing out the various varieties and we all had or were provided binoculars. The breakfast was amazing and we all ate heartily. Then we all went our separate ways. Larry headed back up to Machu Picchu to climb the path to the Sun Gate. 

He said the hike up was taxing but manageable; well worth it though: the view was stupendous as you get a complete panorama of the valley, the road up and Machu Picchu itself. Plus, he said there was the experience of walking the last 2 km of the Inca Trail that supplied Machu Picchu with all their needs in the 14th and 15th centuries. Cathy was off to the Spa for a hot rocks massage and I was off to the hot springs in Agua Caliente; that's Spanish for hot springs. 

Cathy emerged refreshed and happy from the spa. I enjoyed the walk to and from the hot springs but found it a disappointing experience. The hottest tub was not very hot and the water was not moving very rapidly. However, back at the hotel, I had time to sit and watch the birds around the feeders and enjoy the tranquility of the Hotel. I did pick up some insect bites in spite of using the natural citronella repellent provided. 

Over a cup of iced tea, Larry regaled us with the stories of the entertainment provided on the bus. On the way up a native-dressed musician played sand pipes and something resembling a mandolin. Then on the way down a young boy in native garb met the bus at every switchback, and uttered a distinctive native cry. He ran barefoot on the direct trail between the switchbacks. Then at the bottom he boarded the bus and uttered his cry again and collected lots of tips. 

We walked on to the station, stopping in the market for Larry and Cathy to buy matching bush jackets (I must find one in another market after I find a cash machine ). Then onto the train for the trip back to Cusco  with Larry typing my blog as we rode.

Of course for the first hour or two the scenery was great, but once it got dark we had nothing to look at. The train crew solved this by staging a showl First a traditional dance by a white-faced "clown" in a big square hat ( traditional but I don't know what it is called. Then there was a fashion show of alpaca garments, which of course were for sale afterwards. We were met by a driver at the station and Fabricio caught up with us at the hotel to arrange tomorow's pick-up. Then a leisurely dinner at the hotel ( Casa Andina, again, same room and our stored bags were already there ) and off to bed.
Photos 12 May Machu Picchu

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Monday, May 7: To Peru

  The adventure began from Pearson Airport in Toronto.  We met Cathy a few hours before the flight and got our bright red GATEWAY TOURS suit...